Tag Archives | planning

Send the Planners to Jail for Allowing Sandy

Ed Blakely says planers should be sent to jail for allowing development in areas we all know are at great risk: I advance this argument to get the attention of our planning profession, which has been complacent and diffident when we know better. We blame our political masters. But an engineer who knowingly gives bad […]

Where do Coastal Smart Growth and Hazard Resilience Meet?

Hot off the press (yes, I’m aging myself with that phrase): Achieving Hazard-Resilient Coastal & Waterfront Smart Growth. What is it? Last summer, NOAA, EPA and a few state Sea Grant programs assembled a mess of experts on smart growth and a mess of experts on natural hazards and got the two to talk about […]

Final Version of Coastal Best Development Practices Manual Released

This winter we mentioned an earlier draft of the Best Practices Manual for Development in Coastal Louisiana, but the final version is out now, and it looks great. You can find it on the project’s website. Even if you’re not in Louisiana, it’s worth a look.

New Tool to Easily View Future Sea Levels

The United State Army Corps of Engineers has released a handy tool for calculating future sea levels based on models or rates that you pick. The process couldn’t be easier. Head over to their Comprehensive Evaluation of Projects with Respect to Sea-Level Change page. Either enter the rates you’d like to use, or select from […]

New Inundation Analysis Tool Released

There’s a lot of evidence that the future in coastal areas will look a lot like the past, only with more bad times. That once a century event might be more like once a decade by 2100. And brace for that “once a decade storm” — it may soon hit every few years. If this […]

NOAA Shares Tools for Understanding and Addressing Coastal Inundation

The NOAA Coastal Services Center, as part of their Digital Coast program, has assembled a Coastal Inundation Toolkit. The new “Visualize” section allows users to learn how different types of visualizations can help communities understand their inundation risks and vulnerabilities. The “Picture It” page offers tools and local examples of how photos, maps, and mapping […]

San Francisco Struggles to Protect and Adapt to a Changing Shoreline

As an El NiƱo winter tears away its shoreline, San Francisco tries to figure out how or whether to protect homes, a $220 million wastewater treatment plant, and a world-famous road. The question facing at least eight local, state and federal agencies boils down to this: With California officials expecting climate change to raise sea […]