How to File a Claim with BP

BP-logo.jpgWe can’t find this document online (yet), but BP has released a fact sheet providing an overview of the claims process. You can download a PDF of our scan of it here: “BP Claims Fact Sheet.”

Here’s the entire version in English:


BP has established a process for Gulf Coast individuals, businesses and government entities to file claims to cover the loss of personal income, the loss of net business profits, and damages to personal or business property because of the Deepwater Horizon Incident and oil spill. BP is committed to paying all legitimate claims.

The following describes the process:

Government Entities

States, parishes, counties and local government and other political subdivisions that have incurred expenses responding to the Deepwater Horizon Incident and oil spill will have a separate dedicated process. Government entities should call (302) 476-7732. All government claims will be handled by a specialized team and will be given high priority.

BP has made advanced funds available to the States of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, as well as several local parishes in Louisiana. Local Government Entities are not required to submit claims to the states and parishes who received advanced funds prior to submitting claims to BP.

Individuals and Businesses

Filing a claim is FREE, simple and can be done in several ways:

  1. Call 1-800-440-0858. The average wait time for a representative is about 12 seconds.
  2. File a claim online at various websites, including
  3. Visit one of the 25 BP claim centers; however, BP recommends that claimants first obtain a claim number by calling the toll free line. This will avoid delays.
  4. Mail a claim to ESIS, One Beaver Valley Road, Wilmington, DE 19803.
  5. Claims that are of large monetary value or are based on complex economic predictions of loss should be sent to ESIS, One Beaver Valley Road, Wilmington, DE 19803. These claims will be handled by specialized claim adjusters with the assistance of accountants and lawyers.

BP is striving to ensure the claims process is as simple as possible.

  • Individuals filing a claim for lost income can do so with a tax return or W-2 – whatever will show what their previous Income was over a 30-day period.
  • Deckhands and others that work on a cash-only basis also can submit claims. They will need to provide a photo ÎD and a copy of a pay stub or another document showing how much money they earn. They also will need to provide a phone number for their captain or manager to confirm employment.
  • BP will continue to evaluate whether additional payments are appropriate because claimants remain out of work due to the spill.
  • Claimants should only file one claim. They can report different types of damages on the same form with the same claim number. Multiple claim numbers will delay the review of the claim. Claim adjusters will help deal with any exceptions to this,
  • Questions should be discussed with a claim adjuster.

Supporting Documentation

BP has directed claims processors to make the process as simple, fair, and fast as possible.
Claimants will need to provide photo ID and documentation supporting their loss. Below is , information about what is needed to support various claims.

  • Loss of income or net profit claim documentation can include tax records, trip ticket, wage loss statements, deposit slips, boat registration or copies of a current fishing license. Commercial economic loss claims may require additional business specific records. Loss of rental claims can include prior occupancy rates, cancellations, tax records, and bookkeeping records.
  • Property damage claims can require photographs and replacement or cleaning receipts. Larger property damage claims may require on-site inspection by a claim adjuster.
  • Bodily injury claims are not payable under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990; however, BP will evaluate each bodily injury claim submitted on a case-by-case basis. Claimants will need to provide medical records, medical bills, or pharmacy records to support the claim.

How to Check Existing Claims

To check on the status of a claim or if a claimant has not heard from a claim adjuster, he or she can call 1-800-673-8249. They should be prepared to provide their name, address, and claim number so that the claim can be more easily located.

Our Commitment to Resolving Pending Claims

In some cases, claimants have been unable to provide verification information, such as proof of lost income, which has prevented them from being paid at this time.

BP is committed to working with individuals to ensure that ALL legitimate claims are paid. We have asked the companies processing claims to assist individuals and businesses that may be experiencing difficulty identifying or locating necessary information so their needs can be met.

June 8, 2010

You can download a scanned PDF of this in other languages here:

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